Syrve gives every hospitality business the tools they need to understand exactly how they’re operating, providing real time insight into every event, right as it happens. No matter what size the business, everyone can access what they need to succeed.
Capturing Every Event as it Happens
Syrve may be the next generation of restaurant technology, but it’s designed with simplicity in mind. Our system brings everyone together, including servers, chefs, back office workers, and more, empowering them to improve processes with data.
Bringing People, Processes, and Data Together
Free-flowing information enables the best actions. Syrve ensures that vital business data can flow through the system as needed, so it can be accessed when it’s required, where it’s required, and by those who need it to make smart decisions.
Acting ‘In the Moment’ to Boost Performance
Syrve provides users with full visibility, in real time, over every aspect of operations. We believe that with greater visibility comes greater transparency, insight and ultimately decision making. Helping organisations take the right actions and be their best every day.
Improving Visibility & Control